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On DiscipleDirect, you will find a comprehensive directory of Christian-based news, theology, and discipleship resources for today's Christ-follower. 


The site began in the Spring of 2022 as a private holding tank for theologically sound conservative Christian resources that we found helpful in the ministry. Tremendous resources existed, but finding ones you could trust was the challenge. Often, people would find themselves frustrated as they spent more time searching rather than understanding an issue or a topic.


At the same time, we found that there was a need to provide resources to help Christians better understand current events and news impacting the Church. While many helpful aggregators existed in the secular news genre, Christian resources were lacking leaving Christ-followers uninformed if not unaware of the reality that existed much less how to interact with this new reality from a biblical worldview.


Equipping today's Christians is our mission at DiscipleDirect. We do this by aggregating news and theology and connect people directly to a wealth of incredibly helpful resources. We hope you find the site helpful to you as we work together to make His name known (Matthew 28:18-20).

Round Library
Library Bookshelves
Stacked Books
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